The southern folded zone occupies the southern third of the country, from the Aegean to the Gulf of Iskenderun, from which it extends to the northeast and east around the northern side of the Arabian ortam. Over most of its length, the Mediterranean coastal plain is narrow, but there are two major l
Okyanus iklimine misil özellikler gösteren Karadeniz iklimi Karadeniz deniz boyular?nda hâkimdir. Bu iklimde yazlar ?l?k ve ya?murl?, ?italar ise ilgisiz ve kar ya???l?d?r.
3 gündüz boyunca istek toplayacak ?irket toplamda 44.200.000 TL nominal muteber paylar 30 TL &cced
Atakule Shopping Mall ça?da? shopping areas are mostly found in K?z?lay, or on Tunal? Hilmi Avenue, including the ça?da? mall of Karum (named after the ancient Assyrian merchant colonies called Kârum that were established in central Anatolia at the beginning of the 2nd millennium